Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Deutsch Punk Fur Alles

Deutsch Punk fur Alles

Welcome to the latest installment of mixed tapes! Today I am going for a geographic theme that revolves around great punk rock from Germany. I am concentrating on bands that recorded their cuts in the late 1970’s through the mid 1980’s. The selection of bands is somewhat random in the respect that they do not necessarily represent the “best” bands or the most “popular” bands. Instead, this compilation attempts to give you a look at some of the different styles that these bands were playing. It is a common belief among other punkologists and pundits that there is a “German” sound that revolves around melodic choruses and get drunk and pogo type lyrics……I say bullshit. Instead I see German punk as a really diverse scene comprised of many smaller scenes that run the gamut of style and substance. You have anarcho next to pogo, next to thrash, next to garagey-stomp-bash…I think there are many flavors to sample here. I am thinking that perhaps I’ll do a part II at some point due to the fact that I had to leave out a lot of heavy hitters in this installment, i.e. OHL, Vorkriegsphase, Slime,The Pack, Tu do Hospital etc. Anyway, my apologies for the protracted wait……and thanks to Raj for pushing me to get this done. Hope you like the songs.

Anti-Toxin-right to live

Wow…righteous crossover- thrashin’ -goodness here….This is definitely hardcore, but hardcore of the mid to late eighties variety where these guys were trying to throw some metallic edges into their material. Perhaps not the finest examplar of what this style could be, however it keeps me interested. Fast tempos and bargain basement production makes this sound cool to me.

Big balls and the Great White Idiot- kick her in the dirt

Primo first generation punk rock here that will level you. It is profoundly crude and uber mean spirited…I love it. Definitely not sensitive, but hey isn’t that why we love punk? Do we really need a Deutsch Crass? Big Balls and the Great White Idiot was one of the first and best known German punk rock bands. They were founded in Hamburg in 1975 by Wolfgang “Wolle” Lorenz (guitar), “Baron Adolf Kaiser” (vocals), and the Grund brothers Peter (drums), Alfred (bass, vocals) and Atli (guitar).“Baron Adolf” provoked the audience by wearing a Nazi uniform and a black moustache as an expression of anarchy. Performances on stage were highly aggressive; the band was known to shout at the audience to go home. Punk News magazine called the sound “mean and ugly.”The first album (this one) was released in 1977 by Teldec and holds great song titles like “I’m A Punk”, “Kick her in the dirt” and “I’m Singing To You With My Fingers In Your Ass”. Besides that covers of Sex Pistols’ “Anarchy In The U.K.” (”Anarchy in Germany”), “White Light, White Heat” of Velvet Underground and “Search and Destroy” of the Stooges.

Blitzkrieg-rock n roll

Though not really an anti-Disco song, Blitzkrieg (from Germany) included "Rock 'n' Roll Is Dead," a short, snarling song on their first 7" from 1981 that puts all this bluntly in perspective. With disco's enormous popularity, many people really felt rock 'n' roll was dead. But then, some critics and fans who were around long enough thought rock 'n' roll had died before the Beatles washed ashore and died again at Altamont. Others argue that rock 'n' roll as a popular music genre did indeed die with disco's popularity, especially when surveying today's musical landscape of mainstream music is dead. Either way this tasty bit of punk is classic and worth your time….

Brigade Fozzy-apocalypse

Another obscure German punk band, this was their second ep on their own Punk Anderson label, limited numbered edition of 500 copies, this is the copy no.113 (handmade written),insert included. Cool fuzzy punk with the “typical” German melodic vocals.

Buttocks- bonanza

Often touted as Germany's very first "hardcore" punk band, The Buttocks were ahead of their time. Forming in 1978, this is their first of two ep's. Their debut 1979 ep "Bonanza" is great, this ep is one of those rare magical moments when a band is captured at their peak. While still an active band, The Buttocks also appeared on the "In Die Zukunft" compilation LP in 1980 on the Konnekschen label as well as the famous "Kein Experimente vol.1" comp LP in 1983 on Weird System.*Update...I think that one of these dudes went on to drum for the Targets (another great HC band..)

Chaos Z- harte zeiten

Another cool band that straddles the line between punk and hardcore…This band’s debut single is recorded in a lo-fi manner, but still exudes power and melody…Look for their Lp on Rock o Rama records from 1983, it is also a killer.

Combat not Conform-cnc

American influenced hardcore here….I wouldn’t call this crossover because it does not sound overtly metallic to me, however it does contain some start/stop action that makes me think they were listening to US hardcore a la minor threat alongside the obligatory discharge stuff. Lp comes with awesome full size poster and overall great packaging…get it now because although it is rare/obscure it falls below most collector scum’s radar.

Crapscrapers- rassimus-tour

Self released hardcore single from 1983. Crude mid paced fare is present here. Not earth shattering, but cool for what it is.. It seems to me that were going for a sound that was standard for the day sort of speedy UK influenced, but with a more plodding influence.


Great Hannover punk from 1979 in the vein of X ray Spex or Essential Logic. Female/male vocals, saxophone....marvelous! This is one of my very favorite records ever, I mean listen to how catchy these songs released in 1979 on the LAVA label are. I was talking to a friend about this band last night as we were driving and I found myself drooling over the “classicness” of this and also saying that this is what makes punk rock the best music in the history of the world or something silly like that. If you listen to it, surely you will agree. I have yet to meet anyone who is not instantly hooked in by this band upon first listen….I know I’m hyping it up, but I’m just saying…….


Another fine release on the always credible Pogar records. These dudes are an example of a band that was probably just working out their ideas in a garage and had that typical 1980’s moment where they said “umm we’ve been together for a month let’s make a demo on the boombox and then press it to vinyl” Whatever the case may be, what this lacks in production value it makes up for in its’ raw pre-hardcore ferocity.

Honkas-das lied fur fritz

This was an early German punk band with Max Müller (Mutter, Campingsex) on the vocals. They only released this 7" in around 1981. Very rare!

Inferno-got ist tod/kkk

This is by far my favorite Deutschpunk/Hardcore band of them all…These two tracks were from their amazing Tod und Wahnsinn Lp (Death and Madness) It shows how you can play ultra fast thrash and still use melody to pull off a tsunami like thrash effect! Their best effort by far…the Hibakusha Lp is still pretty rad, but doesn’t have the overdriven manic style of the first Lp. Did I mention that the cover is done by the illustrious Pushead? Another prime example of a band that was as good if not better than their American contemporaries such as MDC, DK’s, Crucifix, et. al. Oh yeah, it was released on Mullemeir records in 1983.


Great thrash with passionate and nasally snot vocals. I love the amateur solos in this song; they work well with the rest of the song. Not super fast, but fast enough to be catchy hardcore. Lyrics are very critical of (West) Germany and its' identity in regard to its history and present situation….I guess that makes this political in that quasi-informed way that punk can be sometimes…


Ok, full tilt thrash here…wild stuff indeed. Love the shouted vocals and throbbing bassline in the intro! It bleeds perfectly into the raw thrash that hits you over the head and is over before you know what happened. One of the best singles on Pogar records from 1983. Find this single! Poseur!! P.S. Taiga, you should buy this from me before I change my mind…..


Another impressive record out of the Berlin area…This Pogar record release features speedy thrash with awesome shouted chorouses. This schallplaten has great production values that add to the “powerful” feel of this tune. These guys were a part of the early to mid eighties scene in Berlin along with Vorkriegsjugend, Vellocet, etc.

Middle class fantasies-party in der Gaskammer

Whoa….snot punk from the 70’s. These losers put together a stomper that is a full on tongue-in–cheek-sick sense of humor song that will be sure to offend liberal minded people. This song certainly tweaks those with a sensitive streak….Musically top notch punk that can’t be beat.

Morbid Outburst-no language

This 12'' on Destroy records is from 1987. Great HardCore Punk band that has a “weird” edge to it both lyrically and musically. Very odd vocals that are warbled and paranoid. Music is frantic and had some different flavors sprinkled in for good measure. Not typical, but so good. Why don’t more people know about this platter? Did I mention that the singer Karl Nagel is totally a freak…very odd dude. I think he can be found on the web at this address:

Cool HC on Starving Missile Rex (they put out the first Sheer Terror Lp. Did you know that?) These krautlanders put together some well played mid tempo HC on their second Lp called Riot from 1986. As I listen to this now, I think the first Lp Hypnose was better, but oh well…this is the one I pulled out. Anyway, these dudes were contemporaries of bands like LARM, BGK, Negazione etc. and were well liked throughout Europe. Not surprisingly folks in the US were not listening…and this band fell under the radar as so many from Germany did…


Amazing trash punk core from 1983. These dudes sound like they were influenced by the UK 82 types of bands. I guess what makes it stand out to me is the guitar tone…it is so ridiculously raw, it sounds like a fuckin’ chainsaw…Anyway, they were not the tightest, but so what they were was intense. This track comes from their very rare Lp Aloah-Oehh on Rock-o-Rama records out of Koln.(More about ROR later...)

Niveau Null-nazis

The only thing that I know about this band is that they are from Bremen and I like this song. Rare as fuck single, who knows how many of these are out there? Anyone? Cool minimalist punk.

Normahl-schwarz rot gold

This is another early to mid eighties band that found some popularity in their native land as well other parts of Europe. I know they gigged a lot and wish I could have seen them. They started out as a pretty standard punk outfit and then found themselves playing more complex hardcore influences songs. This is a later release off of the Harte Nacht Lp on Mullemier records (same label as the Maniacs, Inferno, etc.) Cool song that I think has a mature intensity to it….whatever that means. I guess this is them not trying to be too fast…I always thought maybe there was a slight Oi influence to these guys sound.

Porno Patrol-jump back

Holy fuck! This is one of my favorite Deutsch singles of all time. Great snarling hardcore with a singalong style that catches you right away. The singer David Pollack was a mover and shaker in the International HC scene during this period and was often responsible for setting up tours for bands in Europe i.e. networking and linking a lot of the different scenes throughout the US and Europe. Remember this was all pre-internerd days when people booked tours based on limited resources and a lot of faith in the goodwill of the other scenesters….hmmm. Looking back I marvel at how amazingly sincere some people were, they were almost evangelical about spreading the counterculture far and wide. Naïve yes, but certainly it was a special moment for sure. Anyway, back to the music: Tight, melodic thrash with great vocals. On the Destiny label. Go find it.


Another first generation Deutschpunk band that certainly screams garage-thud-crudity. Simple maybe even formulaic a la a retarded interpretation of British punk. Remember the later 70’s were a horrible time for music, so these dudes probably thought they were shaking shit up with this slab of neanderthalpunk. They went on to some degree of popularity in their homeland and put out an Lp on Rock o Rama records. Anyway, this is their first single and I think it is pretty decent.

Razzia- schatten uber

Yes! Great melodic hardcore with great arrangements here! This band somehow flys well below the radar in most collector circles. Well, not anymore. This is always a band I love turning people on to…Speedy, but not thrash...tight, but not clean, aggressive, but not thugdumb, lyrics are smart, but not mindless platitudes. This actually reminds me of great Scandinavian bands like Barn Av Regbuen, Svart Framtid or Bannlyst. So good, I can’t wait for you to hear it. Raj, I’ll rip the whole Lp for you if you like it….. Oh yeah, it is off of their hand numbered Tag Ohne Schatten Lp on Weird System records.

Rotzkotz-disco sound

Awesome, Awesome , Awesome. Mean, spiteful, and juvenile. Seventies punk was often known to be not too intellectual (thankfully). This is the perfect song to address the issue of Disco.

Sons of Sadism-millionen

More Hc for you. I guess the kids would call this “bandana thrash” nowadays (or is that already a passé phrase?) Cool band that I believe was trying to emulate some of the elements of the second wave straight edge movement coming out of the US. Their music and apparel screams “we want to open for Youth of Today and BOLD. We have x-swatches here too…” Funny how a lot of people around the world aped that specific sound…I mean there were a lot of other US bands to copy, right?

Stosstrupp-neu welt

Another release on the controversial Rock o Rama label. These guys are at the top of the heap as far German punk goes. I love this whole 7 incher, but this particular song totally smokes! I love the way they push the tempo right to the edge, it almost sounds like they ar etyring to play too fast without the skill and acumen, but they end up pulling it off. I mean it is not Siege or Deep Wound fast, but it is definitely HC. The lyrics are top notch too (New World) and caused some controversy back then, but not in the way you might think. If you come across this single look on the back of it….it has some of the lyrics to the song crossed out in black magic marker…..Relax, some snot nosed punker didn’t fuck with, rather it was censored by the owner of their label. Herbert Egoldt the impressario behind this label started out in the seventies as a supporter of local punk rock by putting out bands from Germany such as OHL, Nikoteens, Vorkriegsphase,and Stosstrupp (and later he would put on Norwegian and Finnish bands as well….) but, right around this time of this release he started making contact with the British neo-nazi scene in Britain. More speficially, he released material by Skrewdriver and eventually became the biggest exporter of neo-nazi music around the world. So….he didn’t “approve” of Stosstrupp’s anti-nazi/fascist lyrics and censored his own label’s release because it very vocally called out the fascist ideologies he and his new cronies were spitting out! Anyway, conventional wisdom tells us that any Rock O rama releases after 1984 are to be avoided if you are offended by Nazi and white supremacist ideas. Anything before, is solid and awesome Deutsch punk, Finnpunk or Scandipunk. Got it?


Title track is good early punk from Bochum with female vocals with cool inserts and a numbered picture sleeve. Not too much else to say here, pretty standard fare.


Best for last? Maybe.. Here we have the HEUTE SPASS MORGEN TOD 2x7" (Pogar, 1983) So anyway, these two tracks comes from Berlin’s finest HC band. So powerful and raw, there is nothing about this record that is not classic. This single is actually a doppel (double) ep that has some of the most incredible hardcore punk ever committed to vinyl. Honestly, this is as good as anything recorded anywhere at any time. I love the graphics, I love the recording, I love the hoarse vocals and the music…the fucking music. This track is more Oi influenced while some of the other tracks are warp speed thrash. Fuck, you need this immediately. Trade you shitty first pressing of________or ______ and score a copy of this.

So anyway, that's it for now friends.....Perhaps next time we'll wash up on such exotic shores as Italy, Norway or New Jersey....we'll see.

Here is the link to download

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back To School Mix

Finally a new mix. This one's easier listening. No noise, no hardcore, no death metal, no harshing your mellow. Click to Download Back To School Mix!

TRS-80 - Tinted: I got this from Nan on account of the record label messing up and sending her duplicates. The cover art leaves a bit to be desired, but do not overlook this one. Instrumental, synthy and good for long train rides home. From their newest LP "The New You."

Themselves - P.U.S.H.: Themselves are Dose One and Jel of anticon. This picture disc split with Hood went somewhat unnoticed, unfortunately and is a gem if you can find it. Very organic sounding production with Dose skating across it with his staccato fury sometimes saran wrapped in low and high end snipped effects to achieve a good soundtrack joint to scaffold the scene where the lover runs back to her parent's cottage to discover God has sliced his wrists and is reading poetry.

Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre monde: Niege composed and played everything on this saccharine dosed shoegazer metal project. This track sounds nothing like his raw and ferocious black metal band Peste Noire. It's layered with distorted and clean guitars and Niege singing some surreal sh*t over it in French. Many will undoubtedly pass this off as some emo shlock. While I can't profess to like the entire album, the prettiness of it captures my fancy like corpsepainted faeries in the shire.

The Shins - The Celibate Life: One of the shortest and sweetest songs on "Oh, Inverted World". Reverbed vocals and elfish guitars. I remember hearing this at the local vegetarian diner randomly years before Garden State ever came out. Just sayin..

B. Fleischmann - Frisky She Said: Accomplished piano player laces his handiwork atop electronic compositions on this Morr Music gem.

Mt. Eerie - I Whale: A Capt. Ahab narrative which is deceivingly pleasant. Lo-fi acoustic goodness gets distorted in the last twenty seconds on a one-sided blue silk-screened picture disc.

Russian Circles - Upper Nintey: There's alot of cool bands coming out of Chicago like Nachtmystium and these dudes. Instrumental three piece music that reminds me a bit of Trans Am if they had a decent drummer. A sense of urgency, sweet riffs. Go find.

Solex - Chris the Birthday Boy: Adorable cut and piece song courtesy of Solex who is very Danish and very charming. The vocals don't make a whole lot of sense, but are steeped in gooey taffy cuteness. Ah Solex, why don't you work at the coffee shop I go to?

Octavius - Overly Concerned With One Another: When I was 7, we lived in this horrible suburb of Detroit next to this kid named Karl and his family. He was poorer than me and would always steal things I carelessly left in the yard and replaced them with dilapidated counterparts. This song, inspired by but sounding nothing like Suicide, reminds me of that.

The One AM Radio - Buried Below: Reminds me of the "Why did our high school posse part ways" parts in movies. Guitar, violin, delicate drums and Hrishikesh Hirway's pleasant vocals make this one of the stand out tracks on "A Name Write in Water."

Tortoise - Why We Fight: One of the most aggro Tortoise songs ever on this older 7". Still pleasant to listen to, but slides along a shuffling beat that could be alot like that part in the book The Road where the father goes into the cellar. Yeah?

Nobody - Fancy f/ Kurt Heasely: Acid dipped Nobody production with psychedlic tones featuring vocals by Kurt H. It's an ample filling of phaser effects baked onto this 7" slab which features an instrumental version.

Punjabi MC - Jogi: Bollywooded out sounding nothing like the other well known Punjabi MC track (Beware of the Boys), this is not bhangra, it's fitted cleanly over a fierce breakbeat (overused, but whatever) and some good samples, and the flip side features Beenie Man.

The Bush Babees - The Love Song f/ Mos Def: Early 90's track before Mos Def was famous. He sings the chorus which features production by Posdonous (De La Soul) with some loungey drums and an all around good feeling flavor. Go youtube the video for this.

Grails - Clean Living (excerpt): Total world explorer track. Amazing. Grails is probably my favorite instrumental rock band to come out recently. I played Risk to this album with my friend Joseph and will do so again.

Moodswing 9 - In The Pines: This is a lost instrumental from hiphop producer Moodswing 9 that was supposed to be on this super elite project called Stuffed Animals. Bully Records was wise in issuing the instrumental on a nice 7" which is somewhat hard to track down.

Also, saw this posted...Largest Collection in the World!! Hey man, we know what you're talking about!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Before I go into the mix contents, let me remind the readers that I am 100000% about supporting the artist. This isn't a shitty download blog where you can get a rapidshare link to the entire album. It is my hope to help spread information about hard to find releases and more out of print stuff. I realize some people make their living off of their music so I urge you to go out and buy these releases on vinyl. These mp3's are mixed down from vinyl and probably don't have the most amazing sound quality, anyway.

Okay, so now onto the tunes. This is the SHAKEDOWN MIX - CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

Sixtoo & Matth - webeganhearingthings
-I think Bully was definitely one of the pioneers in doing all non-punk 7" releases. Silk-screened covers and relevant artists make for an awesome label. This one's a creepy tune with a creepy title from "He Did Glass Music". The intro is a somber guitar which then has strings added and finally the drums pop in out of nowhere. Some of my favorite sample-based music.

Monosov Swirnoff - #5
-Drony film score sounding music employing a piano and harmonica. 1 in a series of I don't know how many. These guys also have a rock project in addition to the rest of this series. It effectively sets the mood for walking into a murder scene. The rest of this album, Seven Recorded Works is more of the same.

Aluk Todolo - 5:55
-This isn't a Charolette Gainsbourg cover. It's cleverly disguised black metal dudes playing noisy Kraut-rock with an occult edge to it. This is from their debut 7" on implied sound and is fairly easy to track down for now. They also have an album called Descension that is just as awesome. Featuring members of techno-black metal (eh? are you serious?) outfit Blacklodge.

Birds of Decay - Sun Pillars 2
-Another entry in the Bored Fortress series. Drone in the key of C with lots of layers. Has an orchestral feel to it.

Blank Blue (Nobody) - Faces
-This came out a few months ago. Nobody is the producer who's done more standard hip-hop like on "Earthtones" and is veering towards the psychedelic. Word has it he's down with the Mars Volta who I hate, but it totally makes sense. The album is titled Western Water Music volume 2. It differs from the first volume in that there is one vocalist throughout the album, Niki Randa, who sings in a glossy lilt most of the album. The production is similar though a little more polished and incoporative of more guitar riffs. This song is a slight departure from the album it is on as it's a little darker and features some more boom-bappy drumbreak work. I hope this will be in your rotation like it is mine.

Cocteau Twins - Pink Orange Red
-I don't love Cocteau Twins, but I love this song. It's off their earlier album, Lullabies to Violaine. Shoegazer classic. Amazing vocals with nonsensically sad lyrics. Probably one of my favorite Cocteau Twins songs ever.

Labwaste - I Don't Go Out
-What was this type of music called? Future du gangster? It fits. Featuring a super dramatic club banger of a beat with stuttery drums and repetitive loops. These guys are such dorks talking about their anti-social activities. "I'm not a socialite." Yup. Can't wait for a full length. Sweet picture disc from a team-up of two up and coming labels. If you haven't heard Zwarte Achtegronde, go find that. It's their first album.

EC8OR - Cocaine Ducks
-It's hard to imagine this was released in 1995 because it's so futuristically kitschy with it's blown out Alec Empire production and screechy vocals (from one of the members of Cobra Killer). This song goes on a tirade against the club party scene. It's fierce. I hope to one day play it at a rave with bombed out rave bunnies and fools with triangle pants dancing in foam doing 3-way make outs. If only I can hijack the DJ booth.

Libyans - Higher Standards
-I saw the lead vocalist, Liz, today at Harrel's. Apparently they practice somewhere in my neighborhood. Higher Standard is a blazer of a track. Thrash hardcore punk, raw and uncut. Find em on myspace if you like em...they're going on an East Coast tour soon.

Subtle - Long Vein of the Law
-I have followed Dose one since Hemispheres. Well that's sort of a lie. I stopped listening to his stuff when they dropped the Themselves "The No Music" album. I just couldn't understand Dose's progression from weirdo rap hero use in classifying. But he's a genius. I have admittingly slept on Subtle, a fantastic prog electronic band featuring old time collaborator Jel. Rap is rapidfire and the content I won't even try to cliff notes for you. The tone is a little heavier than alot of the stuff on the album this is from, "A New White." Said album, by the way, is part one of a three part concept album trilogy. Go find them all.

The Workshop - Teenage Rollercoaster
-I don't know very much about this German band except that they like Can and have been around for a little while, now. I found three of their LP's at a thrift store and they looked shiny and unplayed so I picked them up. I'm glad I did. It's pretty creative. And a little funky.

Vrolok - Inverse Devotion
-I like this band alot as far as black metal bands go because they have a progressive and experimental side to them that works really really well. I wish they would press their most recent album "Divine Abortion" onto vinyl. For now I'll settle for this, a picture disc collaboration with "blackened noise" guy Emit. "Inverse Devotion" opens up with a Gregorian chant in reverse and then pounds you to death with lo-fi not by the books black metal. Sounds similar to no one really but I can tell these guys dig early Bathory. Record label this is on? Christcrusher of course.

Zu - Observing Armies on the Battlefield
-Italian prog free jazz core. Saxaphone and heavy distorted bass lines with clobbering drums that go from bludgeon to free jazz freak-out. I like. From their picture disc 7" on Implied Sound.

Dalek - Streets All Amped
-From the hard to find split with Oddatee. Dalek the way you like it, heavy beats, and Dalek's accusatory stylings. He should get the witchfinder award for his vitriol and pissed off demeanor. I like angry rappers who talk shit on college graduates.

Iron Lung - Medic
-Third wave powerviolence. I'm glad to know these guys. They somewhat recently released their long anticipated Prank records debut "Sexless/No Sex". This song leaves you with a sense of closure more than some of their tracks. Blast beats and a mid tempo in between part. In some ways it's good, but it doesn't leaving you craving more like their earlier work (check their discography on Fuck Yoga records). It's still just as furious though.

Pissed Jeans - Love Clown
-Equal parts Black Flag and Jesus Lizard. Heavy hardcore. On Sub Pop no less. Really pathetic vocals that makes you pity the dude. Which is why it totally works.

Smyglyssna - We Can Fake It
-Sort of in the Autechre school of music, Smyglyssna is one dude with a mission to out-bleep the competition. Very busy electronic stylings, constantly shifting yet retaining their overall dimension. On Vertical Form records with an accompanying remix album. "We Can Fix It" is the name of that album you should find.

Santo Gold - Creator
-I was just about to leave the store and this caught my eye. Listening station was available. This track bounced its way into my heart immediately. Similar to MIA in terms of delivery, but definitely Santo Gold has her own flavor (just listen to her screeching on the beginning. I think I'm in love...). I think she's working with the same people MIA did which should draw even more similarities, but I might be wrong.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Single's Night


Nan is out soul dancing with Chard tonight and I am left alone with the collection...what to do? Make a crucial mix for my people. Here are twenty songs for you to enjoy. -Joe

1. Cult of Youth- Eye to Eye
Incredible nihilistic pagan neofolk from these New Yorkers..
Somber and atomospheric...the sound of the post industrial malaise?
Limited to 325 copies on THICK ass white vinyl.

2.Black Flag- Life of Pain

Here is the legendary and rare alternate version of Life of Pain pressed on the limited Licorice Pizza giveaway single. This was given at the LP record store as a promo for the upcoming Damaged Lp...Legend has it that many copies of this were thrown away in the trash after the promotion was over. Who knows how many of the original 1000 exist. Either way, this alternate version is sick and you will love it.

3.Armitage Shanks- One chord Wonders
These Medway drunks bring you a great Adverts cover that is booze soaked and highly enjoyable. Raj and I went to check these blokes out last year and they were fucking shit hot...this band is the real deal.

4. Jacuzzi Boys- Age of the Giant Jellyfish

Killer modern psych that is on the darker side of things....kind of the counter point to the more blissed out Gris Gris. Brooding and drenched in reverb. New shit from Florida that is recommended.

5. Meat Puppets- Dolphin Field think you know about the Meat Puppets? Country fried acid rock, right? Wrong. This is full tilt thrash that is so wild and frantic that it teeters on the edge of falling apart at any minute. This is where they began musically and it (and the first album) are my favorite material of theirs. Sure they got mellow and weird, but fuck it this stands on it's own. great, great, great.

6.EC8OR-We are pissed
Berlin based electro/techno/punk/core stuff on the Digital Hardcore imprint. I am very into this, it is intense and has a different bag of influences that makes it interesting to me. Gina from EC8OR is one half of Cobra Killer which features another of my favorites: Annika Trost.

7.Templars-Night of the Seagulls

Cult NYC oi. If you know me, then you know that the historical Templars are an area of great interest to me as well as Oi! music. Combine the two together and you have the perfect band and record. Night of the seagulls refers to a legend where the murdered Templars return from the dead with their eyes burned out as the living dead to kill villagers as revenge for their ancestors betrayal of the TEmplars. Anyway, awesome band that will be here in Boston in June. I'll be there.

8.Monster X-Nailed to the X

Holy shit! Mid nineties straight edge grindcore mangling classic straight edge songs. MX's "To the Positive Youth" ep has them tackling these posi core tunes. Here we have Bold's Nailed to the X being reworked and you know what? I almost like it better. You?

9. Real Losers- Let's go totally nutzoid

These Brits do the cave-stomp-garage-punk-bash thing very well. I love the trashiness that these three louts kick up. Primitive rock sounds so good sometimes...on Wrench records also out of the UK.

10. Knugen Faller-Inte som ni

Swedish punk with amazing female vocals that jump off the record and take hold of you immediately. This might be my favorite new band/single of recent years. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I like this and why it rules so much...please listen to this and seek it out before you can't anymore. Pressed in limited quantity on Wasted Sounds/Ny Vag records.

11. Daily Void-Haa Ha Haa

Another entry from this new Chicago band...Super apocalyptic punk that is noisy and jagged. Perhaps the best punk band in America now? 100 pressed on white vinyl on the Florida's Dying label.

12.Neon Hearts-Venus Eccentric

As I type this I realize that I chose quite a few British bands this time around...oh well it was semi random. This diy 1977 release is one of the the top 10 punk songs ever made, period. Argue with me if you can... hyper rare and worth it! essential listening for all punks and likers of good music.

13.Undead- Social Reason

Fuck you, it isn't a single. It is a primo cut off of the NY Thrash Comp from 1981. I wanted to hear this and here it is. This song is a prime example of the best Ny had to offer in the early eighties. Bobby Steele's band after his "exit" from the Misfits. Did you know that for a minute this band was considered a bigger band than the Misfits at the time? It's the truth. Killer core.

14. Bold Ones-Open your mouth

A new acquisition that I'm listening to for the first time right now...hmm I like it ok, but I'm not floored. I'm going to listen to it again..what do you think? Let me know. Limited edition of 500 on Horizontal Action rex.

15. Black Market Baby- Youth Crimes

Great classic DC punk that straddles the line between brit influenced anthemic punk and the burgeoning hardcore sound the gelled in 1981. Released in 81 on the great Limp records. This band is so classic...I love the chorus in this song so much...Heavy, melodic and punchy punk that is all rough and filler here. I also recommend their excellent Senseless Offereings Lp on Fountain of Youth records if you dig this.

16. Plexi 3- We know better

Nan and I saw them at the Abbey Lounge last year and like what we saw. This is their new single and I just listened to it. I really like this uptempo number. Sort of poppy, sort of punky, but not lousy pop-punk at all. Maybe a hint of wave here too...More cool shit from Chi-town (must be in the water out there)Limited to 500 on HoZac rex again.

17. Youth Korps-Break Loose, Disappear

Not alot of pure thrashing' core in this I thought you'd like this. YK is from New London Ct,but recorded this unheralded classic ep at Boston's legendary Radiobeat studio in pre-gentrified Kenmore square. All the classic beantown core' came from this studio....This is ultra fast, distorted thrash hardcore and it smokes...why don'y you own this? Like SSD, Neos, Deep Wound, Siege, et. al? This belongs in that pantheon of classic slabs. Oh yea, two quick songs here..

18. Clone Defects- Shapes of venus

Clear vinyl on In the Red label. Swaggering trash from these Detroit folks. They sure sound fucked up here....I like it.

19. Lurkers- Love Story

Last entry in this mix. Great Ramonesy influenced punk from 1977 Britain. Great shit seel out "Aint got a clue" single and Fullham Fallout Lp also. Great buzzing downstrummed chords bashed out here...Can't beat authentic punk from the first generation....incidentally, this is the first release on the legendary Beggars Banquet label.



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Falling Economy Relief Pt A

Falling Economy Relief PART A(now with ALBUM ART!) ---> DOWNLOAD HERE.::

With the economy failing and our world leaders doing everything short of throwing money at the problem...oh wait...nevermind, they just did in the form of a 600 dollar economy stimulus that will probably go back in the bank account for a rainy day...which is everyday for some people...ahem, anyway, enjoy the first of many more Falling Economy Relief mixes to come.

Les Savy Fav - What Would Wolves Do
This is off their new album. Wolf howling and awesome key changes make this song dynamic and interesting. Tim Harrington is probably one of my favorite vocalists/lyricists in the genre combining a "fuck you" attitude with nice social commentary. "What Would Wolves Do" is another addition to Harrington's anti-technology rampage. It's the art-punk primativist anthem to end all art-punk primativist anthems.

Pipi Skid - Math
The master of the tell it like it is policy drops math on math. Off the "Money Matters" 7"...highly recommended if you like tongue in cheek baked into a pugnacious flow and a nice beat courtesy of McEnroe.

Justice Yeldham & the Dynamic Ribbon Device - Madison
Imagine some dude rubbing his face on glass attached to a microphone, spit and snot included. This is the Australian Justice Yeldham in a nutshell. It's a bit more interesting than most noise, but you'll just have to pick this up to see the photo evidence to believe it. Recorded live.

Jay Reatard - see/saw
Damn, this dude knows how to write rock and roll songs. Hot off the presses from Matador. Limited quantity.

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - I'm Not Gonna Cry
Scandalous bass lines and funky horns and dope drums and yes, Ms. Jones on the cut. Feels like 1967 all over again.

John Smith - Of No Fixed Address
This 7" came out of no where and I was lucky enough to have ripped off Jay Seagraves via to get it (which is fine since they charged my ass 20 bucks to get a review so I feel justified). McEnroe laces the beat, John Smith drops more war stories of a hip-hop artist from Canada on the road. Modest and ostentatious at the same time.

Striborg - Psychedelic Nightmare
The intro sounds like it's going to be something off Interstellar Overdrive, but then it morphs itself into a ghastly garage sounding black metal dirge featuring delay pedal abuse on the vocals. Pretty grim stuff. Off the split with Scurshahor on super freaking heavy vinyl done up Southern Lord stylee.

Stereolab - Excursions Into 'oh - a oh'
Kind of house-music-ish? Danced out bassline and pretty vocals locked into place with some panned retro synth styles that only Stereolab can dish out which turns into a nice little rock and roll freak out at the end.

Melt-Banana - Neck On B1
Facts about Melt-Banana: they are more popular in the US than they are in their home country Japan, the lyrics are combinations of words and phrases that the lead singer thinks goes well together (her first language is Japanese), their guitarist wears a dust mask to protect him for particulates, this record is actually a 6". I could think of more, but in the meantime you should listen to this inspiring genre-flipping craziness.

I Will Kill You Fucker - Part 2
I thought this 7" was going to be the crazy brutal hardcore these guys normally do (Brainoil, Lana Dagales), but instead I was delighted to discover this 7" is chock full of skits, theaterish stoner rock ballads, a couple of beats, and a really crazy gatefold silk screened packaging design carved at a 45 degree angle on muddy brown wax. It's hit or miss at times, but definitely worth picking up.

Mia Doi Todd - Autumn (Nobody RMX)
Dollar bin find featuring two remixes, one by DNTEL and one by Nobody. Being a fan of Nobody's "Western Water Music", I was excited to see this instrumental (which appears there) get treated to Mia Doi Todd's thoughtful and earthy vocals.

Condenada - Puertas Falsas
Their band name is translated into "Condemned". Pissed all-female feminist punk rock played with instrument proficiency and anger with vocals sung in spanish. This song is about the false doors of fake promises offered by people who think they are holding all the keys...not anything new lyrically, but this song is crafted well from the cool stop/start intro to the end. Reminds me a bit of later Black Flag (think "The Bars"). No doubt this 7" has been and will be very overlooked.

Blues Control - mashpotato
First thing that struck me about this gem is the artwork (done by the might yJeremy Earl)...the second thing I noticed was Blues Control's side. It's weird psychedelic drone with a hint of exotica. Drum machine ties all the weird floaty disparate parts together along with a cool melody (guitar or keyboard...not sure). This is a split with Heavy Winged.

Existereo & Deeskee - Cry Me a River
Off of Deeskee and Existereo's recent masterpiece "Hopeless Crooks with Open Books". A nice soul sample starts this joint with a slightly desperate, slightly hopeless crooned chorus by Shapeshifters member Existereo. I think the song is about women and relationships, but I might be off. Either way, this chugs along with a slightly party flavor that gets blasted in half time on the second verse. There's an awesome synth bass line played on this song, too which may or may not be the guy from Mars Volta...I can't remember. The flip side features this song remixed by M. Fusion.

Orthelm - Paincave
This will probably give you a headache due to its extreme inconsistency, but that's what Orthelm (and their split partners Behold the Arctopus) specialize in. It's either improvised math rock played at 45 or technical metal written with no previous knowledge of the prior parts due to amnesia. Double bass drum, grindy at times, lots of shredding on earblood red vinyl.

With my George Bush money, I plan to buy more 7" records.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Not to take any steam away from Joe's engine...but I just finished a quick mix of stuff I thought was "brutal" I guess...I'm at a loss to describe these well. Hope you like.


Just got this from Joe actually...super frantic midwest hardcore that's got a bit of a random streak - the last line of the song goes All control is lost, Robots f*cking each other up - and some gnarl - unrelenting thrash beats and a sick ass guitar solo.

I got this 7" randomly with an order and was happy...the 7" packaging features a rib cage design on card stock paper with a card stock band around it with the band logo. This reminds me a little bit of Rorshach with the change ups...gutteral female vocals and chunky guitar sounds. Scary, indeed.

Snatched from the notorious ACCIDENTAL DEATH 7" comp (number two) on the now defunct Satan's Pimp label...totally dirty and nasty and awesome about not giving a whut about wetting the bed, kind of rock and roll, lots of guitar fuzz makes you feel like you did it, too.

Pre-Dilinger Escape Plan noisy metalcore. This song is about waiting for somebody way too long. The dude just pulls some breaking and entering and gets in the house, ready to do some damage. I have their first seven inch and this is definitely a more mature metalcore sound complete with cowboy shirt and f*cked up riffs. Sweet drums.

"Heavy as f*ck" has been used to describe these guys. I would agree. Awesome basslines and pounding drums with lots of crash cymbal smashing courtesy of Jensen Ward from Iron Lung. Really well recorded, too. The content of this song deals with sad state of affairs for veterans in this country constantly being given the middle finger. Featuring members of What Happens Next?. Still available on Prank records.

The subject content is forgettable but the sonic destruction unleashed here is unmistakable pissed off hardcore with a healthy metal streak. Throw in some blast beats and a guy who sounds like he swallowed two cans of extra hot sauce and you got yourself some brutality. Members went on to form BG.

This song is about receiving a phone call about a good friend's death. This 7" split with Creation is Crucifixion was repressed a few years ago, so it might be easier to track's worth it. Metalcore classic.

Coalesce covers a Boy Sets Fire Song. Not a huge fan of Boy Sets Fire, but I like what Coalesce does with it. Basically, dual guitar attack adding layers to the somewhat bland BSF original along with throaty vocals flanked by a bit of post-hardcore singing. Not bad. I almost feel like this is a guilty pleasure band, but then I say, nah...the Functioning On Impatience LP is rugged and raw and recommended.

One of my favorite 7"s of recent acquisition. This one's from the split with KURSK...super short and pummeling grind fury.

Enemy Soil basically pulls the card on fake ass activism that is fairly apparent in "the scene" with this catchy jam from their split with Agoraphobic Nosebleed. I believe this is the first release where they had an actual drummer after doing the drum machine thing. It's a raw recording with a demo feeling mudded out bottom end. I like it because it still retains a heavy sound. I actually wrote to the band to say how much I dug this but I confused the title with their WAR PARADE 7" (which is horrible because it features said drum machine). I got a nice reply, but I'm sure the band (who openly hates on the 7" themselves) were a bit confused. Members went on to from the crazy jazzed up Avenging Disco Godfathers.

Comic art adorns the covers of most of these dudes' 7" releases, perhaps suggesting a not so serious streak. Baritone guitar and precision drumming with vocals by August Alston (Walls, Society of Friends) who belts out two flavors of vocals - a deep growly one and a lighter high pitched pissed at traffic scream, both on this tune.

Post youth crew hardcore thrash stylings? I don't know. These dudes are f*cking negative which is a different vibe from many of the other Bridge 9 entries. The name of the 7" is "You Make Us Sick" and is on gore red splatter vinyl. I sniff a hint of spoof with these guys. This song is the anthem.

Midwest fastcore death. Damn. So much brutality in so little time. On 625 records.

Introspective all female death metal from Japan. I saw them years ago and I guess I still can't believe how well their sound and cutesy cartoon aesthetic translate live.

Brutal because Chris Colohan wears soccer shorts at shows and dances hard even when the crowd is done moshing. I respect that. This one's about growing old with no respite in sight. Some parts are similar to converge, some parts are similar to Norwegian death metal. So of course it's brutal. The rest of this 10" (still available I think from NO IDEA!) is punishing like this song.

Pre-Kylesa crusty Georgian melodic mid tempo crushing hardcore. Time switch ups and really disturbing samples. Find this 7" of the same name...the cover art and the B side are dope.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Here is a new mix for you kids....

So...I ripped a bunch of my vinyl to make a mix for you. There was really no theme or criteria that I was using and instead went for a random cross section of styles. Some of the songs here are old classics and some of them are from new bands whose records I have recently picked up... I am including a link to a zip file for you to download the awesomeness contained therein. Enjoy!

Track listing and commentary coming soon.....I have to teach 11th graders some History right now!!woo!!

1. Bone Awl-Show me (Meaningless Learning Mess Lp)
Here is a cool record that I just picked up and absolutely love it. Black Metal played by non-Norwegians!! This stuff is memorable because it is recorded so raw that it sounds like a demo recording. The garagey quality to it is what rules the most about it. Oh yea, the vocals sound like Ulver’s natten madrigal Lp.

2. Daily Void-In the Year Zero
Holy fuck this new band kills me with their noise/punk attack. If this is the state of punk in 2008 then I feel pretty good about things…Good punk should be way underground, ugly and threaten your sensibilities. Great shit from Chicago’s ex Functional Blackout people.

3. Easy Action-Worse for you (Friends of Rock n Roll)
Negative Approach were classic for their nihilistic aggression and unfettered hatred for the world….well, Easy Action is ex NA singer John Brannon’s newest band and this shit is fucking intense. Cross NA with a Stooges/MC5 vibe and you‘ll have an idea about what this monster sounds like. Desperate and violent…

4. His Electro Blue Voice-Das ep
Cool Italian noisy rock that has me interested.. Joy Division meets noise rock with agitated broken English vocals. Limited edition 7” that you should track down immediately.

5. Lost Sounds- Head of the Tyrant (Future Touch Lp)
Jay Reatard and Alicja Trout create an amazing song here. Totally fierce and frantic cold wave punk…This band is missed.

6. Replacements-Kids don’t follow (Stink ep)
Totally classic Minneapolis punk trash put out by these drunks.. Anthemic, fast and driving punk with killer bass lines that are better than your bands!

7. Changes-Bleeding (Fire of Life Lp)
Authentic Neofolk from 1969. These Satanists were part of the late 60’s Process church scene and were the first folk band to incorporate satanic elements into their music. Scary stuff….the sound of true believers…

8. Damned-New Rose (Damned Damned Damned Lp)
1977 British punk that is better than virtually any of their contemporaries….This song is literally one of the top ten best songs ever written….

9. Drunks with Guns- I got the gun (S/t Lp)
These fucking lunatics hail from St. Louis and they play noisy punk that is anti-social and has no socially redeeming qualities…A must own record…This shit is damaged…..”fucked up on beer and drugs!” yes, yes, yes.

10. The Fall-City Hobgoblins RoughTrade ep
Great Manchester style punk that manages do be somewhat arty, but still rough edged and catchy. I finally got this gem after years of wanting it.

11. Firehose-Brave Captain (SST Lp)
Ex Minuteman Watt’s first outfit after D. Boon’s death. Quirky up-tempo shit that makes me think of Natas’s skate scene in Streets on Fire. I love this song.

12. Leonard Cohen- Dress Rehearsal Rag (Songs of Love and Hate Lp)
Forget Lou Reed. Leonard Cohen is the man. No rock biz schmaltz here, just real emotion. I just picked a copy of this up and have been listening to it non stop.

13. INFEST-Pickled, Sicko
Infest is the band that makes you want to throw bricks at people…

14. Outburst-No Choice Miles to Go ep
Criminally underrated NYHC from 1988 that flies under the radar. Hard and uncompromising shit that somehow avoids being thuggish.

15. Personality Crisis- Case History (Rat Music for Rat People comp)
Canadian hardcore punk with weirdo vocals that hits the right spot. Mitch Funk was the singer’s name and he had a funny handlebar mustache.

16. Testors-Let’s get Zooed out
Awesome 1977 NYC punk from Sonny Vincent. More like Dolls/Johnny Thunder’s style punk than hardcore. I love the garage recording style and trashy aesthetic.

17. Thrones-Silvery Colorado (Day late Dollar short)
Joe Preston’s solo weirdo shit. Some of the tracks on this are thick and sludgy, but this one sticks out because it sounds like a fucked up noisy Twin Peaks nightmare sequence.
18. Wipers-When it’s over (Youth of America Lp)
The Wipers are a classic Portland outfit that puts elements of surf, psych and punk into a fucked up and brooding mess. This song makes me feel fucked up.

http://Download ZipFile

Monday, March 17, 2008

This is Joe's Test Mix

Hey, so we are still learning this thing...please check out Joe's Test Mix while we get this thing figured out...more to follow...two tracks, one from the Damned and one from Cobra Killer. Good stuff.

Download zip file.

Monday, February 11, 2008

No rules for you and me

PURE HELL - NOISE ADDICTION ---- this record is amazing. It was dug up from the depths by Welfare records (somewhat local and awesome shoppe/label). It's incredible...from nineteen seventy-seven...first (?) all black punk band...and they opened up for the pistols. Really sloppy yet technical guitar work and the drums rule. I'm copping this ASAP. WELFARE RECORDS ONLINE STORE

Friday, February 8, 2008


So I made my first mp3 mix.
It's the FFFFFF mix culled from various 7" records.

Here's the link: FFFFFFMIX!!!

Here's the tracklisting and why I dig these songs (in no order)

-Very noisy and pretty off kilter drum programming. DJ SPOOKYish noise collages but a bit more distant.
-I booked a show for this San Diego band and 3/4 of the band looked strung out on heroin. The lead singer had an odd aplomb, dressed in a fuzzy suit with a fuzzy penis - his alter ego that he draws comic books of. The bassist jocks Rudimentary Peni and the drummer wore overalls.
-Very nervous and minimalist. I bought this on a whim on account of the obnoxious yellow cover. The presence of scant female vocals holds this track together both sonically and conceptually.
-Seattle post-grunge? This song is definitely representative of earlier work from these kids.
-This is the other CAMERA OBSCURA...this short lived San Diego band released two 7"s...this one from the WE TALKED IN MIDI picture disk 7"...sort of their Magnum Opus...a 7 + minute orchestration with whispery vocals and decent build ups. It's really the slinked out bassline that does it for me on that one chorus part...ah uh...31G.
-One of my favorite Shellac songs..."a plane becomes a metaphor for my life"...simple and well miked drums, a strong bassline and Steve's fidgety guitar work finally culminates into a frantic a crashing plane...
-Instrumental rockabilly from some Reno dudes. The guitarist brought a grip of these 7" (on clear lime green wax!) to a record store I worked at and I gladly took one, being broke and 16.
-I saw these guys while on tour with a friend's band. The drummer was amazing...not only because he slammed five or six cans of beer while playing, but because his chops are very on point. Slint influenced rock from TN. The drummer also plays a loud ass set up along with his band mates (4 FULL STACKS!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?). Nice dudes and a very paladin-ish track from a pre-Jade Tree release.
-A math rock band from Reno who wins the most improved player award. Talented dudes finally record this follow up 7" to their full length...this song is an aberration of what these guys actually do because it's hardcore and gnarly. They are getting sick of requests for this song I'm sure.
-J. Brannon of Negative Approach/Laughing Hyenas is old enough to be your uncle but is tough enough to be your pugilistic older step brother. This is an alternate version of the song with the same title track that appears on "FRIENDS OF ROCK AND ROLL" LP (which is awesome). A little more raw with less reverb seals the deal.
-I have no clue what "Little Silver Children" are. I like pop punk derivatives and I like porcelain female vocals. Breathy vocals shared by a man and a woman. They're recording a new LP which I'm excited for and hopefully on tour. Akin to THIS IS MY FIST.
-One of the many bands featuring August Alston (of Walls, Society of Friends, Lords of Light, Negative Step), this guy is one of my favorite vocalists. He effortlessly switches gears from rock and roll to powerviolence that few can comprehend. He's a pretty funny guy, too. This is his rock and roll motif being played crazily and well.
-Another Tonie Joy (Moss Icon) project...I don't dig the vocals so much, but fantastic guitar work makes this mostly enjoyable. And the vinyl is jizz colored.
-One of my favorite powerviolence bands...weird time change ups and still fundamentally sound in the ways of trashcore beats and chunky guitar riffs. And insane vocals.
